first spa review.

Went to a spa today.

Yes, finally after crazy hectic week at the office, I gave in. Driving back and forth from Penang to KL has finally taken its toll on me (regardless of the massive Redbulls I took pfft) and the hectic hours at work doesn't help either - could already feel every muscle in my body giving in.

Refusing to admit defeat so soon, I tried having good better diet by consuming more fruits; but still not good enough. Then I realize, even if you're eating healthily but you're constantly stressed out every day and your muscles are overworked; still no good. Sigh.

So after doing a bit of research of good spas around, and making appointments, I found myself driving to this Serenity Spa in Bangi today.

(from their website)

Some of my friends have been here and they have nothing but rave reviews about this place, so I decided to give it a try. Refused to go to the ones in KL cause I don't see a point getting pampered and stress-free for a few hours and having to fight the bad traffic all the way back!

So Bangi it is. And words are this place is one of the good ones; I have to agree.

As soon as I reached the place, the masseuse swiftly ushered me to this room and provided the utilities - batik sarong and disposable panties. It's obvious that this place takes huge influence from Bali and Javanese and can be seen through the ambiance and even the traditional music playing!

I was immediately relaxed. Nothing can cheer up your spirit than a cozy room with herbal remedies (all the windows are tinted and they used very dimmed light - basically can put you to sleep in no time).

I took the Aromatic Spa 4-step package which consists of herbal sauna, massage, full-body scrub and milk bath. The massage was really good; though it feels like my masseuse really hates my bones, every time I heard the sound "praakk" it felt really good afterwards!

She was nice to assure me that it won't hurt, though. Liar. Had to bite my tongue everytime I feel a "praakk" coming.

But really, she was really nice and experienced.

"How old are you?"
"Umm 26.." (can hardly talk under so much pressure)
"Ohh so petite, don't look like 26 at all!"

So yeah, finally successful to let go of my shyness in having a masseuse massaging my whole body. And my favorite of all? The coconut scrub. (can choose some other types also, but I'm not into fruity smell)

I find that the interior of a spa is really important - no one wants to have their spa experience at a sloppy place; and this place really delivers in terms of that. Love the whole antique feel of almost all the furnitures used - the sort of place I know my late grandma would love!

Left with another appointment scheduled sometime after Raya. God knows after all the stuffing my face with kuih raya and ketupat, I really need another massage and sauna to burn all those calories.

Address : Serenity Spa, Seksyen 8 Bandar Baru Bangi (near Tutti Frutti)


  1. don't look like 26 at all!

    probably the best compliment ever!
    hoho i wish ppl said that to me too :(

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my brain dump.