Uted's wedding

A few months back I found out one of my batchmates, Uted (Sarah) is getting married, and I got really excited.

You know why? Because back in high school she was known as someone who's gifted with creativity - I remember her designing a few stuff for our school occasion, and she'd hardly ever disappoint. Well at least none that I remember of haha!

So I knew she'd make a crazy ass unique wedding. Hello, she owns Omnomnom okay. At least the pastries there would be crazy good.

She sent us this invitation card that looks like a concert ticket (I SWEAR) and the theme for her wedding? Rustic.

Now that's something you'd rarely see!

 Everything rustic.

 Sweet montage on the happy couple. I would never have the guts to shoot a film like this, I swear.

 Better view!

My date for the evening was Farah, and we were given babies to hold all freaking night. What is it with weddings nowadays really?! Kinda freaks me out to see some of the batchmates having little kids running around like it's perfectly okay..

 Bride throwing the flower bouquet. I refused to go because, well, you know how easily I'd drown between those long legs girls pfft.

Wore Fuzana Mokhtaza's Arina dress which I fell in love with the moment I saw the picture. Reminded me of Eliza Dolittle in her black and white dress; nevermind the fact that both dresses are two completely different silhouettes..

But black, white and red - you can never go wrong. Loving the new red lipstick (have always been a blush pink lip balm girl) but as soon as I reached home that night, realized I dropped it somewhere :(

So now I've been daydreaming about it every freaking hour. Sheesh.

(picture stolen from a friend's FB)

To Uted, congrats and it was a lovely wedding! Hope you'll have a blessed and happy marriage insyaAllah 

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my brain dump.