making wrist statement.

Another thing you discovered when you started working is, how limited you can accessorize your wrist compared to uni days.

Granted, even in classes I didn't really feel like accessorizing too much - you HAVE to use your fingers to write notes, and having those bangles in the way is really not convenient, first of all, and also how much noise they make whenever you try to write down something.

It's distracting, really. And since there were already attention drawn to us by being the only girls wearing scarves in the class (heck, even in the whole uni), you won't want to be labeled "the girls with the noisy wrists" some more.

So I figured I'd get the chance to comfortably use the wrist candies once I started working. Boy, was I wrong        -___- 

Firstly, you'll be using laptop/desktop ALL DAY and wearing bracelets won't be comfortable for your wrist to use mouse and the keyboard. Secondly, you'd feel self-conscious if you're the only one in the office wearing one!

(That applies to me, btw.)

But did that stop me from doing what I love? No.

Remember when I was in CC Skye phase?

Well, since spending almost 700+ bucks on a single piece of accessories I could only worn off work isn't justifiable in my case, I decided to look for alternatives. And I found it!

Internet introduced me to Wanderlust + Co.

 Reminded me of CC Skye so much.

 Comes in cute package too!

If you check out their website, you'd notice how affordable they are compared to similar high end accessories brands.

I'm not sure if this could satisfy my need for CC SKye, but for now, they'd do, don't worry.

Eye-ing the screw bracelet similar to the CC Skye's I posted, but we'll see. Still not sure if I could pull it off.

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my brain dump.