This week, I had to go through numerous reading and research journals forced on me assigned by the boss.

OMG, this feels like uni all over again.

Only worst - I have to learn all sorts of mechanical-related terms and equations and having the core background of chemical really doesn't help. I'm used to memorizing chemical terms, chemical reaction equations, etc - but NOT THIS!

But it's really cool, having the advantage of learning new things. For instance, I get to learn a lot about nucleation - which is a crucial process to know if you're in gas production and all those thermodynamic stuff; they ain't come easy on you and the process.

In nucleation, basically I have to learn how liquid is formed; the transition of phase, the reaction, etc. Which is a new thing to me. So Wikipedia, being the awesome guru it is, led me to this interesting video on understanding the concept.

In this "test", Mentos is being put into a bottle of Diet Coke, causing the fountain of bubbles coming out of it in high speed. This is caused by nucleation process as studied by the Tonya Coffey, a physicist at North Carolina university.

Basically the surface of Mentos which contained gum arabic, a surfactant that creates a low surface tension in the liquid, hence encouraging the bubble growth of CO2 gas - and Diet Coke is proved to be producing the most spectacular explosion of the bubbles.

It's a very good way to teach the kids about science, but I'm sure all the students were thinking "darn, all those candies and Coke wasted". Haha.

Thought it'd be cool to share with you guys.

Was browsing the magazine the other day, and came across this.

Sigh. Could not be more true!

Speaking of the dream job, I've finished my probation of 6-month and officially a confirmed employee now :)) Felt like crying when my boss finished tormenting me with technical-related questions and signed the form and handed it to me. Really, I was shaking the whole time.

This is the second time of my confirmation process at a company, and I couldn't help reminiscing my first year experience of working, at my first company. Well, it wasn't even a year - just a few months, but it's how much you've learned that matter.

What more being a girl working in manufacturing.

I actually Googled "girl working in manufacturing" before I started my first day there. It was crazy, I tell you - they have uniforms, safety hat, safety shoes, etc. And in my mind, I was thinking about all those years in primary school, having the guy classmates chopping off wood and whatnots for my Kemahiran Hidup assignments; getting C's in high school Kemahiran Hidup (again!) till PMR..I could NOT be worst at technical skills. The only reason I took up engineering was because I love Maths.

So how did I survive?

Just some points I've compiled, for you girls; who are thinking of enrolling in this industry and don't want to break your feet :
  • If you have to wear uniforms, make peace with it, or make it up = we weren't supposed to alter our uniforms in my first company, but I've seen some technicians/engineers do it. But I seriously hate them cause they're freaking big! Even the S size won't fit me :( So be smart.
  • We weren't allowed to wear contact lenses (oh, the horror of my life. Possibly the worst rule they've ever made) = but after 1 month, I discarded my glasses and wore clear lenses instead in the hope that no one would notice. Well, some did notice but they just ignored, so I was safe. Again, be smart.
  • You're bound to mingle a lot with guys; technicians, engineers, supervisors = be careful of the way they're treating you. They'd tease you and flirt with you a lot; so the important thing is to stay guarded and if it happens, stay away as much as possible. In my case, after this one guy made kisses noise at me, I ignored him for the rest of the month. In fact, the whole time when I was there, I never even spoke to him. Sure, you can report a sexual harassment but it was too much hassle and I figured no one would take me seriously. But really, stand up for yourself if it happens; at least tell your good friends so they'd keep an eye for you.
  • No make-up = SERIOUSLY, some companies have this rule. Don't fret, find a colorless/spotless foundation or sunblock or occasionally use face powder, sometimes they're too busy to notice.
  • Make friends cause there are usually a lot of engineers and technicians = me and my friends who got into my first company at the same time spent a lot of time together, since we have a lot in common; and we quickly became inseparable. I'd have lunch with them, go out for movies during weekend, carpool-ing with them when we were car-less - so they were the ones who kept me going at the company. I don't think I can survive without them. Darn, getting all emotional now. I miss you guys :"))
  • If you have to wear sport shoes (and NO HEELS! Shame.) at work, get the cosiest one. Just think that you'd have to live with it everyday, and put back the heels in your closet for your weekend outing.
  • Learn from everyone = even if you're an engineer, doesn't mean you can't ask your technicians to teach you. It shows that you're ready to learn and score points on your social skills. Show them some respect too; as they've had years of experience and would gladly help you wherever they can. So far, I had really nice colleagues in both companies I was in - and they really made my days bearable.
  • If you wear scarf, keep it hassle-free = production lines don't really suit for your tangly scarfs, so keep it simple as possible. It'd make you work and move better.

There, the critical ones I could think of for now. Guys, sod off.

P/S : an interesting article on this topic here. If I had attended summer camps like this, I'd probably enjoy being in the industry more.

A few weeks ago, going out with housemates to get some cendol pulut; or famously known as CP in our household.

Today, going out with the housemates to get some dinner at McD.

Behold, the Instagram addiction.

To think of it, it's really been a while since I last cooked.

I used to cook all the time during uni year; partly because sushi just doesn't suit my tastebud, partly because I just love to. But love doesn't necessarily mean rajin, unfortunately.

But I do enjoy cooking everytime I try to make something. It just feels like you've accomplished something - especially when you try a new dish, or you're making up an unknown dish no-one-would-eat.

It's true. Sometimes when I love a certain dish and revamp it here and there; my friends would find it taste strange. I'm really weird like that.

Like today, I made chicken mushroom soup; and the boyfriend went "what?? what kind of dish is that? what do you eat it with?"

Like hello, the recipe actually exists OK!

(recipe here, but moderated here and there)

So in conclusion, very very productive Saturday.

My skin has never been friendly with foundations.

Everything I used never seems to agree with it. I mean seriously, I've tried all ranges - light to dark, expensive to affordable, even borderline cheap - but everytime, I'd come to the same conclusion that nothing seems to ever "fit" my skin.

And last year, was the most horrible time ever. I had breakouts all the time (still do, but it seems to take its own sweet time to emerge - which gives me some time to prepare with masks and hydration cream and whatnots), pimple scars, sunburnt; which I blamed on Malaysian weather and hormones.

(Next time, if you're about to come back to Malaysia after spending quite half a decade in cold weather - be prepared with the best skin care. Speaking from experience here.) Hormones, well, it's every girl's best friend.

So one of the foundation that I've tried was Chanel's Pro Lumiere. It was an impulse purchase, I must say; I didn't do any Googling on it and just put my trust on the pretty flawless Japanese salesgirl. She recommended the foundation along with Chanel's White Essentiel, which I fell in love with. 

But for the foundation, I only used it for a few months and stopped cause 1) I wasn't used to wearing foundation - especially when going to classes 2) my skin looked much healthier without it. I believe in less makeup and letting your skin breathe is actually the best skin treatment.

But after some time in Malaysia, I realize you can't depend on weather to hydrate your skin (which is what I do when I was in Japan - summer excluded). So I started wearing moisturizer again, and went easy on mask.

And I started to fall in love with the long-abandoned Pro Lumiere again.

Makes me realize how much my skin has changed over this few years. Or maybe it's because of the weather factor, which is why some people use different range of foundation to suit the skin color and texture during winter and summer.

And, as if fate is playing a weird joke on me - I found out that Chanel has discontinued Pro Lumiere. (I think Mat Lumiere, too) They came up with a brand new foundation, Perfection Lumiere.

So far I've read mixed reviews about it, so I think I'm gonna wait for a while (check out Producrater's review here).

But if I could look half as good as these models from Chanel's Cruise Show Beauty 2012 wearing Perfection Lumiere Long-wear Flawless Fluid Makeup, I'd be very thankful.

(pictures courtesy of, blog)

Dear blog,

OK I know I've not been a good keeper as of late..

And I'm about to make things worse between us.

I know how much you hate my dumping pictures all in one post and cheat and call it an entry. I know how much you hate it when I just blabber about stupid things no one wants to read. I know how much you hate my rant and complaints.

I don't want to say "well it's life, deal with it" cause I know you hate it too.

But please, just this once.


You'd think having a career is oh-so-jolly. Try having a job like mine; cause I think I'm starting to develop a love-hate relationship with it when a year before, I would kill to have this job. Well you can't have everything now, can we.

But I love every minute of it. I love waking up early in the morning, I love the small space in my office toilet, I love the corridor and the door to my room. I love the mixture of excitement and dread when I open up my emails.

Despite the loads. Yes, people are so weird sometimes.

Dear blog,

I think I just got luckier. I have awesome friends who would be by my side through thick and thin; listening to my ramblings, my bimbo stories, my whatever jokes. I have nice housemates whom I got along with so well, surprisingly in these few months (did I tell you we play Step Mania during weekends?), I have awesome boyfriend who would do whatever in his might to to cheer me up; even when I (unknowingly) hurt his feelings. I have the greatest Mum who would check on me every a-few days since I told her I miss her and she got nervous. Who would mention my name in her prayers cause that's what she does, always.

Despite the loads. Cause I'm really weird like that.

Dear blog,

I went to two weddings last weekend.

 Wedding #1.

 Wedding #2.

In case you couldn't tell from all the photos..I'm really happy. And by happy I mean I miss you.

There, bunch of photos and words. You happy now, blog?

Will see you in a couple of days..promise.


This week is hell of a week for me.

Tonnes of reports, assessment, assignments..I hardly even tweet, which is a first cause usually I'd rant whatever I was doing regardless of the how hectic work is. I think I deserve a whole big box of Big Apple for holding it all in and not rant on this blog.

And yesterday, when I came back from the office I found a link to this website given by the boyfriend.

OMG I laughed so hard tears were streaming down my face.

And my personal favorite :


I have a whole lot more, so if you want them just give me your email address, I'd gladly share them with you. 
Nothing like funny animal being dicks gifs to cheer up your shitty week.

As mentioned previously, I would like to strike "wear baju kurung more to work" in my list by next year.

So last week, I wore a free size top I bought some time ago with a plain kain kurung.

Never mind the fact that the colors don't match. It's the effort that counts!

Well at least 60% matched.

When I first joined my current company, all I think about was how to improve on my social skills and how to drive to the office.

I mean, it was my first time driving by myself! And since there's no LRT here in Bangi, my mum practically on her high gear pressuring me to drive by myself again, after all the years in Japan with all-bike-and-no-car. (Judging from my first try, I really couldn't blame my mum to be worried.)

But no worries now, I'm good.

Anyway. I realize social skills are important especially when you're selling yourself in a company you know you're dealing with all sorts of high-profile and exceptionally brilliant people DAILY, so I focus on that one, only for a long period of time. I figured I can learn so much from daily routines, thank God - meetings, trainings, occasional lunch with colleagues. One doesn't have to be a genius to know how tense it is for a competition in the corporate world; and after a few months, I still feel like I need a lifetime to learn.

If you noticed how less frequent I've been blogging since I started working, I apologize. Not big on multitasking, after all. Tsk.

But last week was a breath of fresh air. We(my OPU) hosted a Majlis Tilawah Al-Quran Petronas for zon barat, and I must tell you - it never occurred to me that we do have such Islamic occasions held, besides all those meetings and trainings. Last week changed my perspectives on the whole career and company thing, and I couldn't be happier to be in a place where you have the opportunity to balance out your life.

I was one of the committee, but I really felt out of the loop. Everyone was so energetic and in full spirit to make the event successful(despite having to do, you know, the actual everyday work), it almost felt like working for a massive gas field production project, or something.

It was my first time wearing a jubah/baju kurung to office too, and everyone went mad with commenting on that fact.

Gotta wear baju kurung to office more often.

OPUs involved.

Reminded me of the saying I've heard a thousand times - find solace in everything you do, insyaAllah you will be in His path.


my brain dump.