skincare habits.

I'm seriously hating my skin right now. Acne, dark spots, sunburn all at the same time - NOT FUNNY. AT ALL.

Looking at the Japan photos really kills me. I miss the weather, the skin. Oh boy you have no idea how much I miss autumn and winter, even. Turns your dull-looking skin into perfection, despite the freezing cheeks.

I really, really wanna go back :(

But anyway back to the ground again. I decided to switch to Clinique's 3-step that's been dubbed as the best skincare out there, and so far I can say that my skin is in its "healing" period. It's only been a month since I started using it I don't expect miracles to happen sometime soon - but a bit of light would be enough.

I really love the soap and toner the most; but would advise on skipping the third step - the yellow moisturizer one. My sister already told me to skip that one but yes, the stubborn yours truly just couldn't comply with a simple advise. Pfft. Would opted for whitening moisturizer once the current one finish off.

Back in Japan, I used to bring sunblocks everywhere I go. Japan's summer is really hot compared to Malaysia because you tend to sweat a lot, and sunburn - tak payah cakap la. I used to spend a few minutes before class started just to rub sunblock all over my hands.

But the habit stopped once I came back to Malaysia, and I really wonder why. Malaysia is hot as well, but I didn't develop the habit partly because I hardly pay attention to sunblocks in stores. Now that Guardians, Watson etc are all going out of their way to spur all different kinds of sunblocks on the shelves, I decided to bring back the habit here.

As described on the website :

Experience the cutting edge of suncare with the added UVA/UVB protection of avobenzone!
Protects against UVA1, UVA2 and UVB rays
Anti-oxidants A, C & E combat free radicals
Prevents premature aging
Designed to use year-round

So far, I'm loving the texture it leaves when rubbed on skin. I don't like oily textures so this one is perfect.

And this is the one who would greet me at the doorstep every day when I reach home from work. Without whom my day won't be perfect. She just turns one year old last month!

So, what do you use for skincare? If you have any tips on Clinique/other skincare brands, do share!


  1. one proud clinique user here!! (waves) heheheh


  2. Tsk. I cant stand clinique's toner. Its too harsh for my skin. Dlu time awal smpi nihon aku pakai sk2 n my skin improved a lot. Hahhaaa since dah miskin pakai cap cokiaa beli kt tepi jln jelahh haha. But m still using clinique face wash. Love it! I would suggest, kalau ade duit lebih try la sk2 facial essence yg ade pitera tu. gune with facewash n moisturizer biasa pon dah ok. Rasanya dlm 6/7sen gurai but last u almost 6months++ (berbaloi la) nnti pipi comel kau msti glowing heheheee

  3. @DJ : WAVES BACK! p/s - are you DJ as in my schoolmate DJ?!

    @Raira : You know what, all this while the toner & facial wash are always the harsh type I don't know why. Haha. Been used to it. Now suka the facial wash but a bit mild for my liking. Kena ask for the less mild one next time. Sana bestlaa dpt sk2 sngg! Believe it or nor, I've never used sk2 before. Kena try lah lps ni :)

  4. I love clinique`s eye cream. yang kaler hijau. my friends ramai y pakai clinique tapi I xsanggup nak tukar lagi.currently selesa ngan hadalabo.
    tang sunscreen tu pun sama. once balik mesia tuk cuti,rasa malas. huahuahua

  5. @cieri : the salesgirl showed me the cream once! but i settled for the anti-blemish mask instead. ooh hadalabo best tak? heard all the rave reviews tapi tak pernah try. which range are you using?

  6. hadalabo best! I am currently using the blue one;whitening.I am halfway through my first bottle and people are saying that my skin looks brighter than before. I only use the lotion for day use and moisturizer for night as the moisturizer is too thick for my day use. the bottle also quite big so for a student like me it is a steal!



my brain dump.