of interviews.

Nowadays, I realize just how lazy I am when it comes to interviews.

I've gotten offers for interviews and open interviews from several companies, most of them as suggested by my family. They were all, "Ooh why don't you try so and so? That's Japanese company so they're bound to be interested" "Why not try dulu pergi this so and so interview? Hantar resume? They're looking for Japan fresh graduate" etc.

Most of the companies I DID send my resume because I'm interested, haven't gotten back to me yet. Pfft. But yeah, the ones you really want are always the hardest to get. Granted, the companies I have my eyes on really don't have anything to do with Japan, they're not Japanese based companies so I know the risk I'm taking. Given their reputation, I'd be holding a kenduri kesyukuran if they did call me for an interview. Hehe.

Looking back, I honestly don't where all the courage go. I was one of the eager students looking for sponsorship after SPM, going for the interviews and all. When my relatives asked about my experience, I can go on and on about interview tips, and it's making me wonder at the same time; where did the courage go?

Perhaps I was getting comfortable being in my own zone.

Having had the time to think and start regaining my strength for a few weeks now, it really makes me realize the importance of being ready for anything. And I mean, anything. You really don't know how things might go, what may come your way, things that you really didn't expect to encounter.

I've learned my lesson.

Interviews can be easy or tough depending on the situation, but to me they're all the same if you're just being yourself. Pleasing people too hard might be pushing too hard; and you know that's one of the low qualities in the eye of the interviewer. I remember during my JPA interview, there were 5 of us, 2 Malays and 3 Chinese. We were given the topic about card credit and had to discuss about it. When I was stating my point, this one Chinese guy was coming at me quite hard, he was condemning my every point. But I was lucky that I managed to back up my points, and I realize how lucky I am to be questioned back by that guy, because from my answers I can totally be myself in front of the interviewers.

After the interview, I even went to the Chinese guy and thanked him for giving me that chance. He was cool too; he said he enjoyed a true argument. Haha. When just 5 minutes before, we were arguing like mad!

Petronas Educamp was a whole other experience. I hated it but I loved it, truthfully. Those who did go would know what I mean. I'd write about the experience here, but it might go foreverr! Just to say, it was one of the best experience I've ever had, and I'm so sorry that I had to let Petronas' offer go. (Am still kicking myself for it! Pfft)

If you're going for interviews, just remember to stay calm. I'm not that talkative like a social bird when being with people either, but I'm lucky to having been accustomed to work under pressure that during interviews when I am required to talk, I can talk like mad. Haha. But when I don't really want the job and there's no pressure, that's when the real problem comes in.

If you're very shy and not a social bird, this is just to say you're capable to do it. Practice speaking, practice English speaking, public speaking. Put that shy aside, and for once show the interviewer what you really got.


  1. I remember d mara interview that i went after spm.received d letter like a few days b4 it & 2 days after d interview,i had to rush to penang to reg at d mtric college. K.bharu-kl-k.bharu-penang, it was very tiring. i even had to let go 1 interview also, sbb x check pn d status dpt ke x. But yeah, went there unprepared,couldn't answer some of general questions on mara investment,screwed up d essay blabla. So yup, didn't get d scholarship. down gils i tell u bcause stuck studying life science at matric was worst period of my life. I hate chem & math :( I swear mase tu i hated mara with all my life, but now look where i'm studying. pftt!

    Sorry pnjg gila membebel. Goodluck for any upcoming interviews. U're so lucky tau, at least u've lots of choices spread in front of u now.semua org interested to hire ;)

  2. Woww thats quite an experience! But yeah I agree, those were the times when we stressed out so bad, I remember my JPA interview was 3 days after I just got home from Petronas Educamp. Penat gilaaa.

    But I guess that's what we call experience kan :) It's funny when I think about it. Haha.

    Thank you! Please pray for me k. And good luck to you too, you're taking law kan? Ganbatte!! *loud japanese cheer*

  3. u got petronas offer too?? y did u reject it??

  4. it's a longg story..maybe I should post an entry about it. hehe.



my brain dump.