grad dress, schmess.

I haven't been on Twitter lately, because whenever I open up the Twitter browser I always have some sort of heart attack.

Everyone's been updating about their finals and thesis lately, and the fact that I care not one bit about either is freaking me out. Well, to be fair, I do care, but just not at the amount that I should have.

Because instead, I'm focusing all my energy on..these.

Graduation day (卒業式). And what I'm going to wear on that once-in-a-lifetime occasion.

And the fact that we're not going to have a chance to wear the graduation robe and hat doesn't help either.

Because in Japan, the graduates would wear hakama (traditional wear for the Japanese) or kimono or suits (though hardly).

(pictures from here)

No throwing the hideous hat to the air. No blue/black gowns.

Hakama is usually rented at saloons, and the girls would usually get busy doing the preparation (the hakama design, color, etc) months before the graduation day. You should rent the hakama 5 months before the ceremony or you would end up wearing boring suit to the event of your life while everyone else is wearing bright red, yellow hakama with perfect hair and make up.

Of course, I just knew about it last week after my Japanese friend had her jaw open when I told her "I haven't decided what dress I'm wearing on 卒業式 yet".

Ugh. I should've known.

So as wearing hakama is out of the question, I spent this weekend looking for a decent baju kurung. You know, so I would at least have a good time on the historic day of my life and not cry my eyeballs out for not having my mum that day or for having to wear my last year's Raya baju kurung.

And Mimpikita's kaftans are the best kaftans I've seen, so far.

These are from their latest Raya Collection line.

This is the time when I kick myself for not being the comfort Malaysia.

Am still thinking if I should just skip the whole thing and just do suit, or beg my mum to get one and post it to me. Considering how busy she is right now, I might have to do it on my own. Sigh. Is this what they call adulthood?

And the bad news is, I've had my heart set on this.

Or the simpler version might be nice, too.

Does anyone know if Mimpikita do international shipping? :/



my brain dump.