new brushes and festival!

Got new brushes today!

Ordered a few things from Forever 21 last Thursday, and got them today. Man, I'm really gonna miss Japan's fast delivery system. *cries* PosLaju Malaysia also cannot beat.

I've been looking for a brush big enough for face powder, but the ones I found here are all either good-for-nothing or overpriced. I mean, 800 yen for a freaking brush, and it's not even nature friendly pfft.

This one from Forever 21 costs me 480 yen, for 7 different types of brushes! Am yet to try them out, but at least the quality is good.

In the evening we went to Hiroshima University's festival (大祭) which is an annual event for us. It is held for two days; today and tomorrow and there are lots of stalls! I was looking forward for the flea market; it usually has wide ranges of stuffs at very low price and many types of souvenirs to buy.

But there's no flea market today :(( Sheeshh I was so looking forward to it..

 Egypt's stall (halal food YAY!)
What we had. Yums.
 So pretty right!!

Am thinking of going again tomorrow, if the weather is nice. We were practically freezing, I shall never trust Yahoo's weather forecast again grrr.

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