autumn blessings.

My lecturer called me today, demanded to show him the snippets of my FYP.

So I showed him; and after 20 minutes of him asking me all these sorts of chemistry-related questions about my experiment's result and me being mute; he smiled. For the first time.
So I took that as a good sign. I mean, I did mumble something in the middle of his questions.

Later, my senior told me my lecturer told her "ヌルザティさんの実験はすごい結果ができた" (Zatil's experiment result is actually good)

I was stunned. He has never told me anything like that in my face before; it's always "you should research on this bla bla bla thing more, you should get better experiment results like others".

Today I realize I'm not so useless after all :)

Studying here in Japan isn't a pretty picture as everyone has thought - language has always been a huge barrier. Japanese language being the most difficult language to learn isn't helping either. I'd have to write a whole post dedicated to studying in Japan alone cause there's just so much to say about Japan's education system; anyone studying here would agree with me on this.

All I can say is, being pushed down, looked down upon by lecturers and friends because of our lack of Japanese speaking skills are nerve-wrecking but don't let these people put you down. Whatever they say, in your degree there will still be your name and statement saying you graduated from a Japanese university. Now when that's on your degree certificate, anything anyone says doesn't matter anymore. That's what I believe.

Anyway, it's autumn here but I'm shivering the whole day, feel like winter already. I mean, it's freaking 8°C here!!
Managed to take some pictures.

Momiji leaves

All the trees have these mixture of colors now so everything looks so pretty in the campus ground, makes me feel sad to leave Hiroshima next year. We used to take pictures around campus to send to Salam Perantauan even though it's not even Raya yet! (I did that once I think, during first year. So embarrassing, actually.)

Will take more pictures! Autumn is awesome.


  1. the colours of leaves so pretty..boleh jadi postcard.


  2. kan! i love the green red and yellow combination :)

  3. setuju lah weyh part bahasa tu! tension je.esok hapyou. wuwuwuwu

    wpun 5min je tapi ku kompem menggigil mengalahkan suhu 8 degree! hahaha

  4. haha good luck happyou! :) 5 min pffttt tak aciii -_-



my brain dump.