career fair 2010.

Last few days had been hectic for me.
I was busy doing my lab's things; experiments and reports and research on plants and whatnots; and also..RESUMES.

We have our annual Career Fair in Tokyo; and the final years are required to participate.

Thank God I managed to complete 20 copies of them in English before the day comes, but I decided to say no to Japanese resumes.

I simply HATE writing resumes. 

Not adding to the fact that I have no clue what skills I have, so whoever reads my resume must think I'm this whole other person..anyone but me. Hehehe. Fluent in Japanese. Who am I KIDDING?? Computer skills including CAD. Yea right, I've used CAD once in one of my classes last sem and I've forgotten how to start the program.

The only thing I loveee about Career Fair is I get to meet my friends who I've not seen for years; even after leaving AAJ.

Tokyo was unbelievably hot. I was kissing the ground when we reached Shinjuku and saw the bright sun :) I love spring!!

The interviews were unexpected. I can't say I was fully prepared compared to my friends, trust me they had scripts and infos on the companies at their fingertips and everything, but they were not so bad. Thank God for second interviews; if you were ever offered one, but most of us were too tired to go.

I honestly think the Career Fair is a good opportunity for us graduates-to-be to be exposed to how job interviews are conducted, and to open our eyes on how limited or unlimited choice we have in terms of position of engineers in our country. For that matter, I think us chemical engineers are the ones who are missing out more than other engineers because not that many companies want us. Mechanical engineers are hot like cupcakes!

Managed to go to Akihabara, Harajuku and Shibuya on those few days at one of the hottest city in the world. Everywhere was packed with people we could hardly breathe. Trust me, I went to H&M and Forever 21 and bought nothing. Don't ever ever go to these places on public holidays; it's dictionary definition of fruitless.

As Tokyo is way warmer than Hiroshima, my skin began to react against me from the moment we reached there. Rashes, dry skin, dry lips, dark spots..I was terrified of my own fingers' skin.

I thought I need foundation, so as soon as we went home I bought these.

The salesgirl told me Chanel's foundation is very good, and the new base is good too, bla bla let's hope so :(

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my brain dump.