bobbi brown's makeup manual.

For me, reading a makeup manual is like trying to understand what my programming's sensei had been babbling about.

I'm not really a makeup junkie, I've always depended solely on my eyeliner, mascara (sometimes) and compact powder to survive. Only recently that I discovered my passion for eyeshadow, but really, a couple of Nyx jumbo pencils and MAC single eyeshadows and that's it. (maybe it'll grow more after this, who knows) 

So I read this book like so slow. Very slow because I'm taking in every word seriously; if Ms. Brown ever lied or joked about something in this book I might believe it. I have always admired her drive and passion about makeup and her ability to turn pale-looking models into angels.

I didn't regret buying this book, because it is awesome!! The pictures are incredible, the step-by-step instructions are crystal clear (even for amateurs like me) and I learned a great deal. 

A little bit about her
Very clear instructions
Amazing pictures!!
There are so many helpful tips for every type of skin, woman of different ethnic backgrounds, situations or occasions - even "bad day" beauty. Towards the end there's also a chapter on how to become a professional makeup artist so this book really complete it all! (Though I did skip a few pages, like bridal makeup etc)

I especially love the chapter on the history of makeup (I'm such a geek..) and learned a lot about all the big names in the field.

It's needless to say I need a lot of help in the makeup department, so this book is truly a good investment. It would be a great gift for your girlfriends ;) No, Bobbi Brown didn't pay me to say this, seriously.


  1. kalo kulit sgt berminyak elok ke nak pakai makeup zatil?ke lg xelok/xseswai?

    dlm buku tuh ade ckp x?

  2. (i had to look up dalam buku tu to answer this hehehe ;))

    you can always use foundation/face powder yg sesuai for oily skin. its supposed to make the oily part seem less berminyak and of course you can wear makeup! just the crucial part is picking the most suitable foundation/face powder. better pegi booth yg ade salesgirl and ask her to pick the one yg sesuai. and tips on how to work on the oily part.

    i have oily skin too, bile ptg-mlm takyah ckplaa berkilat muke haha. hope this helps!



my brain dump.