i hate to break dis up to u peeps,dis is not atil(*^_^*),dis is her hubby heheh.i own dis blog too u know heheh.. erm dis hubby of her is quite a normal guy,not so handsome,not so ugly,ok la.. don't even know how the hell did he managed to tackle her back then hehe.u know la,she's very the cute,lots(& i mean lots!) of admirers,lucky me i guess hehe.

i've changed a lot since i met her.i started to become a shopperholic,but she's far more super than me hehe(she never gets tired huhu!).i've become a movie freak-she always dragged me to mid valley when we're in um..owh but sumtimes (erm often i think hehe) she gets upset when i want to watch my 1st luv,man united in action dat weekend instead of going to the movies hehe..hmm she even make me see gol&gincu the series huhu..i pretend to read harry potter when she watches it,but i have to admit for a malay story it is quite good,curi2 tgk heheh..

most importantly she made me become a selfish person.selfish in wanting to control her evry moves,worried dat she might get hurt,wanting to see her always smile..mayb dis selfish thing's a good thing,mayb not huhu..we sumtimes fight bout things, n i'm glad we came through it still holding hands..i don't know,mayb i should let go of her sumtimes,no more prince (king sounds old la hehe) control..but de truth is i can't help it,'couse a part of me will always think bout her,in my sleep,when i'm watching football hehe,in my unconscious mind..i guess it's not her that is always depending on me,its the other way round..

honey,sori for all that i've done..

i don't want dis moment,to ever end
i'd wait here forever just to see u smile
'cause evrything's nothing without u
through it all i've made my mistakes i stumble & fall
but i mean these words
i want u to know
with everything i won't let dis go
these words are my heart & soul
i'll hold onto dis moment u know
as i'll bleed my heart to show
& i won't let go..

p/s : dis hubby of her is totally not jwang hehe! u all can get your atil(*^_^*) back after dis,no more from me heheh..


my brain dump.