So a few years ago when I just started working, I realized there was something "off" with my voice.

Can't remember how or exactly when, but there was a day when I could barely let out my voice without it sounding so "creaky" - that even having daily conversation was such a chore, and on that day, a colleague made a comment "you should get it checked" that really struck a chord with me. At first, I thought it was psychology - I thought it was all in my mind. Or maybe health. So I started taking care of my throat better; no caffeine, regularly take mints to clear my throat, etc.

Still, nothing works. Even the few ENTs I went to couldn't figure out what my problem was, but they could see that there is something wrong with my voice when they could barely hear me talk properly. The problem gotten worse whenever I had to take calls, or read a few sentences out loud, or do a presentation (which requires me to speak louder).

Then, this one ENT specialist refers me to another specialist, Prof Dr Abdullah Sani in HUKM.

I've been using L'Occitane hand cream for a while now. Got it from the store and have been applying it religiously every morning, when I reach the office - that it's becoming my own morning ritual. 

Can't help it. The smell is so good, I think it's bad that it makes me want to eat my own hands on Ramadan -_-"

Finished 1 whole tub of the hand cream, which is miraculous for a person who never finishes any hand cream product I've ever gotten since I was old enough to care for soft silky hands. Really. The scent of the almond oil is so delicious I can't even!

So in love, that I returned to the get a new tub, and a body toning lotion from the same range.

Growing up, my vivid memory about sahur is having a steaming hot white rice with at least 3 kinds of lauk and a plain water. My mom wasn't a big cook (still is btw but she's retired already so she has a lot of time at home), she'd usually cook something simple for daily meals as she was a working mom 9 to 5 but come weekends, she could cook up a storm.

So on a daily basis, back in primary school my late dad and I would come home after school and went somewhere for lunch. Mom would come home in the evening, bringing a plastic bag (or two) containing cekodok or karipap or some kuihs for the evening snack. At night, she'd make something simple with rice, and that's it. I think that's why at this age, I still prefer her simple ayam masak kicap or ayam goreng kunyit over anything else.

Come Ramadan, Mom would be too tired to whip out something grand for berbuka when she comes home at 6, so she would just tapau at the bazaar. I remember going to the bazaar with my late dad whenever Mom is running late - and it was always the same bazaar for us. We'd buy food for berbuka in big portion so that we could have some left for sahur.

That was yearsssss ago. Now, sometimes I'd sahur, sometimes I don't T.T

Was getting dressed for balik kampung last weekend (we're still in kampung woohoo, Shahrul has work stuff in Penang so we figured we'd just spend extra days at kampung - took 2 days off in conjunction with Nuzul Quran holiday) when I realized I've been wearing the scarf the same way since..forever.

Googled a bit, and this is the new me.

(Wearing dUCkscarves georgette in Sebastian, a top from Jovian I bought ages ago from Robinsons, Mastuli Khalid stripes culottes)

Back in uni, I had this phase - a certain phase I hated to admit.

The football phase. Or rather, the Manchester United phase. It was a phase when I was reallyyy into the club - watched their matches, bought their merchandise, even blogged about them. Which introduced me to the football world.

And it's all thanks to the then boyfriend (now husband), who keeps me informed about all football things even until now. We used to watch certain games together, and he'd buy Man U shirts for me and vice versa.

But since then, my knowledge on football is basically nada. Zilch. Unless the husband is around and the game is on, expect other times I’d be mixing up players' names and their faces. My husband used to make fun of me or gets all worked up because of this, but now I think he’s sort of accepted the fact lol XD

That was before. Last week, I attended a media launch of a special app coming to our phones – Stadium Astro.

Except that it's not really a card, though. It's a scrap page for our second anniversary of being married!

And it was only completed 2 months after the anniversary date -_-

Months ago, we were driving home from a wedding. It was near PJ area.

Then we saw the signboard "Universiti Malaya", and Shahrul was asking me if there's anywhere I'd like to go since the day is still early.

Without hesitating, I told him,
"Jom pergi Kolej 12 nak?"

We've always talked about paying a visit to our alma mater, Ambang Asuhan Jepun, UM where we had our foundation course (before flying to Japan to continue our degree). It was a special place for both of us, because that was where we met and became "partners" lol.

So since we were near the area that day, we decided to drop by.

To date, I've received similar comments on my choice of colors for my outfits. 

Like this one :

"You sure like brown a lot ah? Head to toe all brown! Even your bag!"

Because that day I was wearing dUCkscarves satin silk in Coffee and a nude brown top from Azorias. My Sakura Malaysia backpack is brown, too, hence the comment.

With the sidekick who found his place in my OOTDs -_-

...when it comes to Zara.

Last few weeks, I happened to browse Zara online, just to look at the stuff they have in store. Received their newsletter with the "New arrivals" head, so I was intrigued. Been a while since I last step into the store. Wondered how those new arrivals air smells like.

Anyway. I went online.

Wasn't prepared for these.


my brain dump.