he's here

Now here's a milestone I think I'd like to highlight on this blog.

Officially a mother now, Alhamdulillah.

Aunties and uncles, meet Ahmad Rayyan bin Ahmad Shahrul Rezuan, born on 26th February 2015 at 4.48 am.

Labor story coming soon. Had my first urut session this morning so I'm still enjoying my newly freshed post-baby body haha.

We're both still on cloud nine, have hundreds of our baby's pictures in our phones from the last 4 days but now my point is, I'm not pregnant anymore yay.


  1. Congratulations on the birth of the healthy baby boy! Alhamdulillah. May Ahmad Rayyan grow up well & be a coolness to everyone! Amin

    Can't wait to read about the birth story. Just so you know, I referred your blog a lot for my engagement & wedding. Now the baby's out, you'll be my guru for motherhood pulak :P

    1. Haha thank youu! Aminnnn :)

      Will blog as soon as I can find the time haha. Glad I could be of help! Please don't get your hopes up, things on motherhood not looking so bright over here with a 7 days old baby haha T.T
      Will try though. Congrats on getting marriedddd! Been reading your preparations too, enjoy it before it lasts ok?

  2. congratulations! may he be blessed with Allah's protection always =)



my brain dump.