the 27th birthday

(So I'm a bit late on this post since I turned 27 last week, but my weekend was filled with mountain-hiking and colleague's wedding, and I can't really feel my legs since last night.)

I'm a firm believer of birthdays, and a long time ago when I think about my 27th birthday, I vowed to myself that I want be at least a bit better than my 26th year-old self.

Didn't even realized that I get to keep that vow, until the day itself.

Am finally a published author!

My project team presented our project's paper at Offshore Technology Conference Asia held at KL Convention Centre last week; and it didn't really hit me until that day when we were given the author pass and tag for the whole event. When I saw the tag, it suddenly hits me there's my name on that paper; after years of busting our asses off working to this level to see our project goes through at the eyes of world.

It felt like all these years that I've been slaving away in the office worth it.

And it didn't get any sweeter after the fiancé came all the way to KLCC to celebrate with me after work and treated me with cakes and Captain America. (would rather have Iron Man, but oh well, MARVEL has got to pick a better timing..) We managed to get through the whole evening without discussing the wedding prep, so yes, it was a bloody great night!

Can't believe I'm 27 now.

God, I have so much to thank You for thus far that I couldn't find the words. But most of all, thank You for giving me this amazing 27th birthday I wouldn't forget.

And thank You for giving me the greatest gift I could ever have this year.

(OTC Asia is an oil and gas conference where all major O & G companies around the world came together to broadcast all growing potential technologies and share knowledge through presentation of technical papers and panels. There was a lot of interesting booths and exhibition of the O & G companies too. The event ended last week, you can check out the website here)

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my brain dump.