Engagement : the ring.

Probably my favorite part of all.

I know. I'm still pinching myself, too.

It started when he was still in Japan and we were talking about the engagement ring. He showed me several websites with rings he liked, and asked for my opinion and vice versa.

Pushing my luck (still treasuring the day I convinced myself to take that risk, lol), I showed him a link of this Tiffany & Co ring I love - it's a simple ring and I love everything about it (this is why I should never subscribed to PurseForum - they have a whole freaking thread on the jewelry brand). We both fell in love with his version of the engagement ring from the links he gave me, but it was quite hard to get the ring into our hands (the website is in US) and it was a rare occasion HE actually LIKES a ring - so we both kind of gave up about it, until I gave him the link to that Tiffany ring.

And he didn't comment anything, so I thought okay at least he gets some gist of how I want the ring to be.

But then after a few weeks he said,

"Guess what, I got the ring already"
"Which ring"
"The ring you showed me"
"You mean THE Tiffany ring??"
"Yup, you said it's the one you like right?"


I want to cry, I want to laugh, I want to hug him to no end. And of course I just believed him when I fetched him at the airport and he gave me the box haha.

It's not the fact that he got me the ring - okay maybe a part of it la - it's the fact that he was willing to browse websites to look for rings for me and be a part of the whole process and everything. He already knew my size (coincidentally I went to Tiffany in KLCC to check my size in US and Japan size since he's buying me the ring from Japan, I assumed it's the only place I can get an accurate international size) so once he got the ring in my size, and the price still within his budget, it all falls into place.

I never expected this from him, and even after years I'm still surprised. Can never underestimate this guy.

My God I'm so sappy. Oh my God can't believe he's got me my first Tiffany's.

(And of course, he's getting away with a lot of things nowadays because whenever I look at my finger, my heart just melts. This guy is smart.)


  1. i think everyone is speechless hohoo =D good job mr shahrul!! *green-eyed*

    1. Cet he's bragging to me about this all the time now..sigh. Haha thank you! :)

  2. "Guess what, I got the ring already"
    "Which ring"
    "The ring you showed me"
    "You mean THE Tiffany ring??"
    "Yup, you said it's the one you like right?"

    Awwww seriously bila baca reminds me of scene2 dlm shoujo manga.

    1. Hahaha hopefully not as cheesy kot? (tak pernah baca manga lol)



my brain dump.