officially converted..

So what did I do after finishing my first ever assessment?

Headed straight to Apple store..and bought my first ever Macbook.

So am officially converted!

And the first thing I installed is VLC, what else.

Been wanting a Mac since uni, but my conscience just won't let me spend that much while studying. (It really amazed me how teenagers nowadays totting iPad and Galaxy Note and whatnots..I mean, what do you need those for?! My 15-year old cousin has a Blackberry, for heaven's sake.) Vowed that I'd get one once I started working, so it's been a long time coming!

After the boss said we have to take the assessment (and every year after this..sobs), I decided to study and reward myself something after being done with the assessment. And it makes all the difference, trust me. Suddenly I'm seeing the Apple logo everywhere and had been suspiciously glued to the books just so I'd feel better going to the Apple store.

No, it's not a silly excuse.

One thing you should know about me is, I know squat about Mac. Borderline clueless. Basic things yes, but do you know how dynamic the touchpad is, and how almost every shortcuts are different from Windows?!

So I turned to my trusted colleague to fill me in on Mac 101.

And the first thing I Googled was "how to print screen on Mac". Lol.


  1. omagawd >.< jeles!!

  2. Can you share more of the mac tips? :D

    1. haha I'm still learning myself! insyaAllah I will (after I'm done harassing my colleague)



my brain dump.