the one thing that made me feel at peace

...nowadays is probably, going to the grave.

Oh how I miss being there. As weird as it sounds.

I regret for putting it off, day by day, week by week just because I've been so busy with work. I regret for not making it a primary thing in my life like how it used to be. I regret for not making time and making excuses about time. I regret for waiting too long.

God, please forgive me. Please forgive all my sins; for I'm just a weak human being who still needs Your guidance and patience and care. Give me Your hidayah and blessings, for I really need Your help to be in the right path and be the better person I know I want to be. I still need You to guide me, for at times I tend to make this world my priority when I'm supposed to look for Your love above everything else.

And most of all, please don't make me forget where I come from.

Started my Raya holiday yesterday evening after taking off from work at 4.30 pm, which is a first for me. Had to rush off to this interview and as soon it ended, it felt like a huge burden is off my chest.

To top it all off, Mum came to fetch me after work and we had iftar together before going home.

When things get hard, spending time with Mum is all I need to bounce back, I swear.

As childish as it sounds.


  1. thanx 4 this post.."And most of all, please don't make me forget where I come from."



my brain dump.