the porefessional by benefit.

A few days ago, my friend asked me "what did you put on your face that makes all your glorious zits and pimples invisible?"

Haha talk about bluntness. True friendships, sigh.

I always have pimples whenever my hormone changes every month; my body gladly hinting me that my hormone system would be a mess for a while. So I dread going out every time it happens, like every other girl (please agree with me on this.) and would always go out of my way searching for the cure.

I can't do anything about the pores and pimples, but I did find a good solution.

I've been using this for months now, and it totally works! The Porefessional by Benefit is sort of like a 'balm' specifies in minimizing the appearance of pores, hence leaving your skin looking smoother than ever.

I have very oily skin, but the lightweight, oil-free texture blends like silk on my skin and lasts the whole day. It leaves my skin feeling so soft which is a miracle, believe me. Still can't hide the mirror-like oily skin of mine though :(

I look like an opera singer. Damn you oily skin.

The texture is light and non-greasy, but you have to be careful when applying - always pat it on your skin, do NOT sweep with your hands. I don't use this like foundation, I just pat it on the pimples/zits area so it'd mellow out their appearances.
And you'll love this if you don't mind spending RM120 for a primer. In my defense, I was in love with Benefit's brilliant packaging so the cute thing really gets to me.

Before using this, I was a faithful user of Revlon Age Defying Concealer.

It's a concealer, but I call it pimples-go-away magic cream. Haha. You can read the reviews on the net, for me this had been my best skin companion ever. But had to look for other solution since my skin color doesn't suit the range anymore. Been using this since my second year in AAJ - wow it's been 4 years already! Revlon should give me a loyal award.

Rakuten doesn't have a wide range of Benefit though, but Revlon is everywhere and cheaper here in Japan. Bought this concealer for 1500 yen, I think.


  1. ur skin is so flawless...(jeles)

  2. thanks for sharing dear! this is what ive been looking for :)

  3. @mimie : aww thank you mimie! but if you look closer its far from flawless, the magic of this porefessional haha.

    @lyda : youre welcome :) glad this helps!



my brain dump.