italian cuisine, anyone?

In the spirit of fighting my 'addiction', I decided to get my ass off the chair and house and go out today.

It's perfect timing, since I don't feel like cooking and need to do grocery shopping.

Suddenly craving for its famous garlic bread, so I went to this Italian food restaurant, Amare.

Very, very nice motorcycles on display outside. I wonder where did they get so much money buying all the big bikes just for display..

We've been going to this restaurant since forever, but dreading it cause we always had to wait like an hour since it's always full..but today I discovered they've opened bigger area! YAY no more waiting :D

The service there is also good, the waitress even asked me if I want vegetarian menu and no meat. Thank God they have a wide selection of seafood dishes.

Superb interior design. Actually this is just the area where I was, there's another larger part for party and groups.

The infamous garlic bread. OMG I can't get enough of them everytime.

Salmon with spinach tomato sauce spagetti.

Had a great time enjoying the food, BUT the spagetti was just too much for me to finish. I already made this long mental list of ordering the tuna and cheese seafood pizza, one big jar of ice cream..sighh..what a waste.

Next time, no spagetti. Spagetti makes me full in 5 minutes, grr.

The waiting area.

Went grocery shopping, and got home earlier than expected. Amare is just in walking distance from my home, so getting there is easy. Will take you there if you come here to Hiroshima :)

Next stop, Japanese food. Maybe.


  1. hoihhh makan la banyak2 sket hahaha

  2. wut a nice place...^^ lucky u dpt pgi overseas..

  3. thanks for visiting my blog<3

    are you studying in Japan? the italian dishes look num num... and I love how you took pictures of the restaurant. great find!

  4. @ckyn : aku makan byk laa! pfft haha..serious byk spagetti tu.

    @anon : yes im very lucky :) your turn will come around someday, dont worry :)

    @marie : i so love your blog! yes im a student here, hiroshima university. so far from tokyo though, youre so lucky to live there.
    thank you for visiting :)

    Me want some, oh nom nom .

  6. it IS crazy, i tell you. the cream is to die for.. *salivating* cant get enough everytime!



my brain dump.