Can't get over this product.

So I've been using GlamGlow Supercleanse cleanser for almost a year now, I think (raved about it here) and it's my magic liquid ever since. But early this year, I felt like even though it's mostly cleared nasty acne from appearing, I have very very uneven skin tone (also due to the acne scars), whiteheads mostly on my forehead area, and my ultimate skin problem - it's too oily. 

When consulted, most of my friends say I don't do facials or treatment enough. I've been depending on my cleanser so much, that I see no need to go get my skin pampered. SAY WHAT T.T So I have come to a conclusion that at 29, my skin requires extra treatment that I've been neglecting to do.

Then when I visited Sephora, I discovered that they have a set of GlamGlow products - 2 masks and 1 cleanser at relatively low price. Since it's the one brand I trust at the mo, I decided to do facials on my own!

Clearly I'm not so creative with the title haha XD

And clearly this is a late post. Wore this to the office last Friday because it was one of those moments when I feel like skants is meant for casual Friday.

On the first day in Bangkok, Shahrul had to go to work at his company site in a town 30 minutes away from the city. But luckily that day he managed to complete his work early and asked his boss' permission to return to hotel at 4 pm so that he could take us to..


Have you heard of a mall by the river, and you have to take a boat to reach there?

It's been quite time-consuming to do this post. Hence the hiatus.

See that colorful IKEA container at the back? Yes, that's the reason of the hiatus - Mom was here for quite some time so she took over this room, and after she left, I realized the room needed some makeover. Hence the hiatus.

And I realize nowadays I'm quite busy being a Mommy to an 11 months old baby, that I hardly pause and think about myself..for once. Senget tudung days are inevitable and despite my resolution to always put myself in a place I could count to be as decent, sometimes I do have to change scarves at the very last minute due to the amount of snots I get from Rayyan or change my top to a more breast-feeding friendly one. You know, those I've stashed at the back of my wardrobe because everytime, I vow never to touch again. when I get that chance to think about myself for once in a longgg time, it feels nice. Dressing up feels nice.


my brain dump.