Rayyan's first day out

So..we finally took him out for shopping malls!

Actually when Shahrul offered (I call it an offer because I'm still technically on pantang, but he knew I really really need to get out of the house), I wanted it to be a reason for Rayyan to go out and see the world. Rayyan hits his 1-month milestone yesterday, too - so it was quite a special day for us.

Inside, it was all about me. 30 days of being confined inside a house - anyone would go crazy.

Prior to the event, we spent days figuring out where to take him to. It must be a place less crowded, stroller-friendly, indoor (because Mum repeatedly says I cannot be in contact with raindrops - literally, no kena hujan at all) and a place with diaper-changing rooms.

At last, we chose Pavilion.

Let me take you to how "the day out for new parents with a new baby" is like.

11 am 

Started getting ready for the trip. Shahrul brought the stroller out from the store (our first time using it), I checked the diaper bag if it has everything we need - diapers, extra onesies for Rayyan, nappy rash, baby oil, minyak telon, towel, extra napkin

1 pm

We started getting ready ourselves.

3 pm 

Finally made it out of the house, with everything in tow. Baby, diaper bag, stroller, shopping list (all Rayyan's items)

3.30 pm

Reached Pavilion.

4.00 pm

Stopped by Parkson to collect free gift from Clarin's since it's my birthday month. Bought some clothes for Rayyan. Stopped by Mothercare for more Rayyan's stuff. Shahrul waited outside because Rayyan was up and needed to be fed. Stopped by Baby Gap but bought nothing because I just realized everything was expensive.

5.00 pm

Went to diaper changing room because Rayyan pooped.

5.30 pm

Dropped by Miko to buy my shampoo. (the only thing in the list for me) Dropped by La Senza because they're having 10 cotton panties for RM120 sale.

6 pm

Had dinner at Grandmama's. Shahrul took the time waiting for our food to go to surau to solat, while I bottle fed Rayyan.

7.15 pm

Shahrul went to surau for Maghrib, while I went to the diaper changing room to breastfeed Rayyan.

8.00 pm

Went home.

Such an eventful day for us! But it was fun nevertheless, having another person instead of just us two in outings like this. We were well prepared which is a good thing - except one tiny detail that my boobs were leaking like nobody's business T.T

Boobs leaking - still a foreign concept to me. So is having a little person attached to it 24/7. But I spent yesterday running around a mall looking for baby things instead of mine, and felt strangely accomplished as a parent when I found all my baby needs, instead of mine.

Parenthood is weird.


  1. Hello Zatil..
    can you share how do manage yr ebm when go out with ur baby?
    My daughter only drinks breast milk but in a bottle coz its faster..i haven't bring her out yet,and i'm nervous..huhu
    Thanks. 😊

    1. Hello Nurul!
      Alamak I'm the wrong person to share about this haha T.T But what I did was put the ebm in bottles, put in cooler bag, and when the baby is hungry warm the ebm up in warm/hot water. But when I'm out, I try to breastfeed too to avoid leaking - so safe to research for breastfeeding-friendly places. A lot of shopping malls have diaper-changing room which comes with a room to breastfeed too :)

      Honestly, till now I'm still nervous to take Rayyan out hehe -_-'



my brain dump.