Port of Hamburg

Since it was a business trip (and a last minute one at that), I had little time to Google the city prior going there.

Had no idea what Hamburg famous for, or even its history. *smacks self* I swear I'm not usually this unprepared!

We had one whole day to ourselves before the meeting started, so my boss and I decided to look around the city a bit, despite being clueless. We relied on the hotel reception guy a lot (who was nice enough to lend us the map, the bus schedule and bus details) - the only place we knew where to go was Hamburg's Hard Rock Cafe, and since I've been to HRC at every town I go, I wanted to go this city's HRC for souvenir's sake.

Turned out the HRC located at the must-visit place in the city, the Hamburg harbour!

From the hotel, we took a bus to Landungsbrucken - where the harbour is located. Were quite lucky because the hotel room fee comes with a 3-day pass for all transportation rides in the city, so it makes our trip easier not having to deal with tickets. (one of the reasons why we had to go out that day - we had to utilize all free paid stuff!)

The port wasn't so far and we reached there after about 20-minutes ride. Discovered that it was one of the most oldest and famous building in Hamburg.

There were a lot of ships and boats hovering around the area, as the people here also take boats as buses, too. Cruise ships, passenger boats, sight-seeing boats - it was so tempting to go on one of these boats, but there were so many people and we were too ignorant to find out how the ticketing system of these boats works.

We also learned that the city still preserves the old jetties of Hamburg called the warehouse district - the one which old Hamburg port used to operate as one of the biggest and famous port in Europe. But since it requires us to walk quite far from the port, we decided not to go and just hang around the port instead.

Googled a bit about it, and apparently it's similar to the Red Brick Warehouse, Yokohama I went to back in 2009. Made a lot of sense as both cities are port cities.

Paid the HRC a visit and went around other parts of the city. Took the bus back near the hotel and decided to walk around..

Until we found out there's a lake right beside our hotel's building, and lots of shopping outlets nearby.

Shopping outlets like H&M and Zara are all scattered around the area, and we had no idea -___-"

The Alster lake near the hotel. Passed by this view every day.

Just to give you an idea of where I was staying and the lake :

We walked along this area back to the hotel, and it took around 20 minutes - definitely one of the farthest I've walked, since gotten pregnant. It didn't help that the outlet stores are scattered quite far from each other - we had to walk from block to block just to find the Zara store T.T

Thank God I was wearing flats.

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my brain dump.