our 8th anniversary

Yesterday was a hectic day for me.

Had a meeting at KLCC till 6 pm, rushed off to meet him before we went to my first fitting of the reception dress (I super freaking love the dress, though it's only 40% complete), and rushed off from the fitting to have our anniversary dinner.

Yup, celebrated our 8th anniversary yesterday! I feel old.

He took me to this steak buffet restaurant overlooking KLCC and for the record, we don't usually do this so I was so conscious at first. Imagine going this posh restaurant in your working attire with senget tudung and flushed face from the fitting; not to mention he had to carry my laptop bag since I brought it with me right after the meeting.

But it was all worth it, cause it was perfect.

I've never loved steaks more in my entire life.

It was a buffet so we get to try all these different dishes - I took three different steaks and grilled chicken and mashed potato with some veggies, while he had the steaks with rice. They have this cool thing on the table - every now and then the waiters would come and offer more steak (on sticks, similar to what you see at kebab stalls. It was cool) so there's a sign you can put on the table; one side is green to indicate you'd like the steaks coming, and the other side is red to indicate that you're full.

Took us some time to realize that haha.

It was a thousand times better than Chili's!

If you're looking for a romantic setting, I'd recommend this place - it's not too packed with people and you can opt for this view. The waiters were nice, too, considering they had to entertain my queries on the steaks a few times haha. The price range doesn't differ too much from Chili's, too.

And what did I get for this year's anniversary? A blender.

"Because we don't have a blender for our new kitchen yet"

Fine, I'll take it. But next year I'd like to request for a hugeass fridge for our new kitchen, please.


  1. Hi
    May i know the name of the restaurant?

    1. Hi Azi! It's Samba Brazilian Steakhouse :) Sorry I forgot to mention the name of the restaurant lol.



my brain dump.