
Last few days, I became an aunt to a wonderful baby boy.

On the day my sister gave birth (got real-time whatsapp updates from le Mum when my sister was in labour room), I rushed to the hospital after work to see her but it was 10 minutes past visiting hours and the scary nurses won't let me in. So I asked the brother in law to give her this scrap page I did, so that she has something to look at on her bedside table and be reminded of how beautiful she is. (hopefully pregnancy hormones worn out by then)

Since I started scrapping, I've only ever done it for the fiancé back when we were dating; I don't know why. To me, scrapbooks and scrap pages are something intimate that you would only do for someone who mean a lot to you; who you don't mind spending all the efforts and time and brain for because it's definitely hard work and expensive. Doing it for him was not hard because usually it's for special occasion and it's not like they're something he's never heard of before (ahem) so writing my thoughts and choosing the photos came naturally.

So I'm glad I finally get to do it for my sister, cause she deserves it.

Him : So we drove all the way here just so you could give this thing to her?
Me : Um hello, of course.

Went to see the baby boy yesterday and already missing him. Can't believe my sister is a mummy now.


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my brain dump.