Ajjie's solemnization

If I had a dream dais since I was a little kid, I'd imagine it would be something like this.

Fine, I'm not doing the dais any justice with non-SLR camera of mine. But but but. Can you see how gorgeous it is? A lot of people say it looks like jellyfish, so if it is, I'm definitely a huge fan of jellyfish now.

I get to watch my high school mate got hitched last Friday and it was one of the heart-warming experience I've ever had. You see, she was our Head Girl, Head Pengawas (can't remember if that was what we called it hahaa) but also a person so down to earth that she'd make anyone her friend anytime; and she was my desk mate (yes we had that term back in school) in Form 5.

So to see her finally tied the knot, and to see her grown up to become this person since the last time we saw each other back in Form 5, was amazing.

 When her dad walked her down the "aisle" to the nikah stage

Her siblings and pengapit

After the akad, the newly married couple was ushered to the dais and guests were ushered to the tables. I was rushing from a meeting which ended at 5.30 pm to go fetch Jua, performed Maghrib and changed outfit at her place and go to the hotel so basically throughout the ceremony, all I could think about was food.

So that explains the lack of pictures, sorry. Our table didn't have a good view of the dais, so I resorted to this huge screen in front of us while munching down the food. Her pengapit bringing the ring for rings exchange, the groom kissing bride's forehead and recited du'a, the family suap-ing the couple pulut kuning on the dais.

It was a beautiful occasion, made me wish mine would come sooner.

I think by now you'd know who she is and what an amazing person she is, so I'm not going to bore you with the details. You came across a lot of people throughout your life and only some would stick, so I'm grateful that she's one of those people as you'd know who you would need in your ups and downs in life and who you won't - so when you found those people, cherish their friendship.

My iPhone camera not living up to its own reputation sheesh.

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my brain dump.