good vibes.

Was browsing back my FB old messages, and look what I found in the archive messages between the BF and I :

He gave me a link. To this.


There wasn't any caption to the link (he was smart not to comment on anything), but I swear I could feel his eyes casting a judging look at my shoes.

Or at least, what I used to have back in Japan. I don't own a shoe cupboard now cause it just invites unnecessary urge to fill them in -___-"

Him giving me links to Emma Watson-related news isn't weird (pfftt) but this time, deep down I know he's just giving me the signals to remind me of things I should remember and keep my feet back on the ground. His intentions are always good, and I'm glad that I have this kind of positive vibe to surround me especially knowing my greatest weakness.

Message received. I don't even own that many shoes, been wearing the same ones (favoritism) till they got so worn out I had to throw them away.

Anyway, speaking of which, happy Ramadan everyone!! Here's to keeping good and positive vibes to motivate us in transforming for the better, insyaAllah.


  1. aku penah nampak fenomena ni aku penah nampakk
    sekitar 2010 ni sekitar 2010.



my brain dump.