
Last few days, I received this one news that still haunts me to this very day.

I never thought such event would happen to one of my own, to be affected this much, to humbly recognize what is meant by God's qada' and qadar.

Last Monday, my friend who's currently studying in Japan received a call telling her that her boyfriend was found dead in Thailand, after went missing since last Thursday.

I couldn't really digest the news at first, especially after reading her tweets every day since he went missing, when she was frantically searching for him.

I can't disclose the details as some of you might read on news and internet to protect their privacy, but it's sufficient to say the loss is unbearable. Especially to his family, and his girlfriend.

To her, I pray that God will give her the greatest strength one would ever acquire - she's already one very strong woman, I know. Putting myself in her shoes, just the thought of it making my throat dry with shaky and tears, I can't really imagine what she's going through.

What upsets me more is, so many speculations are being made about this case. There are forums popping up here and there; each telling their own 'prediction' about the story - I can't even begin just how mad I am reading them.

So I plead here, for whoever reading this, please stop doing all those speculations. Arwah's girlfriend is already suffering with the loss, the family has already gone through so much with the media circulating them for story - it doesn't help that there are forums saying unnecessary accusations about the case.

To this day, I still feel dark with sadness even though I barely knew her boyfriend. Just reading her last message to arwah made me broke into tears; she is the strongest person I knew for sure. I pray that he will rest in peace in Allah's berkat, may God receive his good deeds and justice will prevail.

To you, dear friend, I pray for all the happiness in the world. You deserve that. May God bless you, always.



my brain dump.