I'm an avid uncang tea lover now. One of the perks for being in Japan too long, I think.
 The sahur food for the girls. Calling me up for sahur, apparently, now is a failed mission. And still failing. Sniffs. Hendak seribu daya, tak nak seribu dalih, right? Hehe.
 Chocolate muffins and a dairy milk chocolate bar. OVERDOSE.

15 or 24, I still love Dutch Lady chocolate milk.

Anyway. Since this falls under things that make me happy, and as you know I'm a history geek.

Last weekend Mum, little brother and me had the privilege to visit Padang Kota Lama and the area surrounds the historical site. Padang Kota Lama and me aren't strangers (having been living in Penang since..I was born?) but I spent 12 years of my life being away so it's been a while since I last went there.

12 years is like, half my age. Wow. Half my life was spent in KL and Japan.
Mann I feel so old.

 This is like a Tugu Peringatan for the soldiers we lost during war. But instead of visiting the place in good faith, a lot of youngsters are polluting the place by lepak-ing aimlessly and littering. It's just sad to see what this land is turning into.

 One of the old buildings around the area. Forgot the name. I find the view is so very breathtaking.

This place reminded me of peace and being in your comfort zone once in a while doesn't hurt.

It's amazing how they can be very comel and annoying at the same time.

And how I can be so mellow when it comes to missing the siblings.

So this is how I spend my weekends. Annoying-like-I'm-so-macho brother and a cute, handful baby niece.

I, sometimes, despise weekends just because I hate goodbyes. People should really learn to live across the road while being able to go to work as early as 6 a.m in the morning. Not saying that it's me.

How do you cope with work and spending time with your family?

I just realized I haven't really blogged about LDR ever since I come home. Mannn what a relief, because I know, if this post were a month before there would be lots and lots of whining in here.

But to tell you the truth, it's been a breeze. HAHA (go ahead, smack me). Yeah yeah all jokes aside, really, I never thought I could go through these past months so well.

So ladies and gentlemen, I've found the secret. The LDR secret.


I thought I'd go crazy once he started working, and I wasn't. Then I thought I'd go crazy once I started working, but I wasn't. Really, reading back my previous entries about LDR, I expected the worst. (If you've read this, I AM SO SORRY. Happy to report that I'm all sane now. Hehe)

But surprisingly - things have been going on so well. Better, in fact. I no longer whine about him being busy, I cherish the little time we have instead. I no longer sulk and lock myself in my room, I go out and spend time with my family/friends till night comes and he'd Skype me and I spend some time talking to him.

Nothing has really changed, it doesn't feel like he's so far away. It feels..perfectly normal.

Well, except when Viber's connection screwed and Skype isn't working. But then, we have phone lines. And all is good.

I realize that if we really want something to work out, then it will.(with efforts, of course) Regardless of time, distance or space - nothing really matters when you have that will. And trust, too.

But there were times when I happen to browse back our pictures together, something just hit me really hard - that I won't have that opportunity anymore. Going out together, spending time visiting new places, going in and out of trains at midnight, strolling down the city road on weekends.

I remember taking this photo when we were at Hiroshima station, waiting for our midnight bus to Tokyo. We were eating junk food, taking pictures, talking, looking at people passing by the area (it's actually a waiting area but more like a restaurant with no food - tables and chairs complete with cabels for laptops and everything! Yes Japan is a perfectionist.) and he was taking videos of me eating while talking nonsense. 

It was one of the perfect nights, for me.

Relationships just don't work that easy. A lot of efforts have to be made, lots of things to be remembered, to take care of. I have so much respect for couples who've gone through so much (cheating partners, etc) and yet still managed to find the happiness they long for. Really, sometimes I just feel like I've been lucky.

Looking at this photo just reminds me of how happy I was. I doubt that I'd ever look this contented in photos to come, but I'm glad to know that at some point in my life, I was perfectly happy.

So whenever you feel like you've been down or life isn't treating you the way you want, look back to those places and times when you felt contented. Because you'll always have that, whether you realize it or not.

We went to pasar malam yesterday, and had the party of our lives. That lasted till morning.

Nasi lemak, fish/crab/chicken balls, fried chicken, chicken burger, sate, and the best food of all - takoyaki! Thought I'd never see those delicious things anymore when I left Nihon :(

A friend thought we're having a party. Sighs. Guys will never understand.
Will definitely visit the pasar malam again. My new favorite spot.

So I received my first paycheck last month.

Had to blink away a few tears, when I first held the little blue paper.

Then it hit me - what do I want to buy with my first salary? If this was a few years ago, I'd had pay Charles & Keith or Chanel a visit, regardless of the amount in that paper. I remember dreaming about Chanel 2.55 bag whenever I think of my first paycheck until the reality hit me in the face that a fresh graduate engineer's salary isn't that much.

Truthfully, I came to realize shopping really isn't my priority now. Or rather, it's no longer applicable. Or maybe my shopping priorities have changed.

I haven't bought any bags since I left Japan. I KNOW RIGHT?! It's a miracle, I tell you.

Going to shopping malls now is just not the same anymore. I no longer look for nice clothes; I look for books instead. I pay more attention to shoes since I sold most of them before I came back to Malaysia, so there are holes to fill in the shoes cupboard. Nice clothes just not as appealing anymore.

Having to wear uniform to work sucks. There I said it.

Oh how I'd kill to wear this to work.

3.1 Phillip Lim, Net A Porter
Red Valentino, Net A Porter

Please, this simple chic shirt would be enough to make me happy, thank you.

So if your company doesn't require some sort of uniforms for the employee to wear, be bloody grateful.

It's been years too since I visited Net-A-Porter or ASOS or such. Really. I don't like this person I'm turning into, but my purse and Mum are happy so..I guess transitions are good sometimes.

This is what I bought with my first paycheck. (Mannn I can never get over saying that)

Miss Dior Cherie perfume.

And my life is complete.

I honestly do not understand why I haven't blogged about this.

Have you heard of the name Irna la Perle?

Irna la Perle is actually an Indonesian brand (I just knew about it..sighh so close to Malaysia. I shall give my salary to my mum to keep), specializing in making bridal clothes and accessories.

When I saw the head pieces, my jaw dropped. I wish we have something like these in Malaysia.

My current favorite

If you looked over the website, they have gorgeous gowns (mostly bridal gowns, unfortunately) in pastel colors and classy layering style. I know I can't wear those bridal gowns outside, but would it be weird if I wore the head pieces to shopping malls??

*smacks head*

I was definitely one of the girls who wouldn't care so much for head pieces (AzuraAzwa is EXCEPTIONAL, mind you) but these are really really gorgeous I feel like flying over there and buy and come back home and cry.

 The necklaces reminded me of AzuraAzwa's

Thank God they have other modern gowns too.

Now I know why they say best kaftans/dresses/gowns are there. Come to think of it, I always see how Malaysian designers tend to use very vibrant colors compared to pastel ones when it comes to kaftans/dresses, hence the difference in both countries albeit sharing the same culture.

Anyway. Been busy taking care of Baby Niece lately (apart from my full-time job), I wish you could see just how big she is now.

She knows how to shake her head whenever she doesn't want something she holds being taken away from her, and when she's angry, and when you are not doing something she wants you to do. I swear she's getting way smarter now.

Lastly, just a little something for you to drool over.

One of the hottest topic these days - the 14 yo girl who claimed to have lost virginity on her blog AND not ashamed of it.

I've read so many comments and tweets about this, but never really bothered to put myself in that position of judging - I guess it's only natural that people tend to get carried away in correcting/judging whenever someone made a mistake. Albeit sengaja, or not.

I've read her blog, and I can really say most of the posts aren't intelligent. Or mature. Well, a 14 yo girl. Some even seem naive to me; I realize just how much different our generations are. Claiming to have had sex to the whole wide world, well I don't know if it's a norm but it's really out of ordinary.

But most of all, after reading the comments on her blog, I really wonder if she deserved to be treated this way. Mind you, she's only 14. Not some 25 yo actress who's going clubbing every night. She's a girl who needs attention and a boyfriend (according to her).

So is it right to trash her on blogs and Twitter etc? Moreover on her blog, where she can read and see the harsh things people say about her?

This sounds familiar. So I googled about cyber-bullying.

Cyber-bullying is "the use of information and communication technologies to support deliberate, repeated, and hostile behavior by an individual or group, that is intended to harm others"

As the victim of cyber-bullying for YEARS, let me say this.

It's never okay to read harsh things being said about you, however small you think it is. However stupid you think it is. I'm not sure how she copes with having a fan page being made on FB (well she's only 14! I was..spending time listening to CDs in classes when I was 14, minding my own business) but it seems like she can go on with her life as usual, so I guess the matter isn't as big to her.

True, she made a mistake. True, she needs guidance and love especially from family. True, all of us think we are better than her. But does it give us the right to ajar her about religion? Or maybe, isn't there the nicer way to teach her and correct her?

Islam doesn't preach hostility. There's no need to be so hostile.

As for me, cyber-bullying or cyber-stalking isn't so harmful (when you're proven innocent) if you know how to deal with them. (read about it here.) To me, they're just kids who need attention - who on Earth, really, has the time to go through your Fb photos/Twitter statuses/blog JUST to make fun of you?

When their existence didn't even matter to you. When you've never even talked to some of them. When some of them claimed to be friends and turn their backs once in front of their friends. When you have absolutely nothing to do with them. Really, what does it benefit them talking mean things about someone, when he/she doesn't even care about them?

I reallyy don't get their motives. A way to waste time, maybe.

I can post the names and the comments here, but that would too easy.

Even though I was annoyed by the constant comments being made, so many people advises me to just stay calm and act indifferently. One of the things my friend says, "don't stoop down to their level" - it really gives me a new look into the whole thing, because saying bad things back at them will just 1)make them think you care 2)give them more things to say about you 3)make you one of them. It's sad even more when friendships are ruined because of this, but you know when you gave everything you can to do whatever you can and failed, maybe it's not meant to be.

So if you're a victim of cyber bully, hold your head up high and smile. Gracious way is the way to go.

Last few weeks, we had a surprise arranged for one of our own, Syena.

OK la actually it wasn't from us..it was from her boyfriend.

After we attended Biela's wedding, we headed straight to KL cause Farah had an interview there. We had to spend the night in KL before going back to Penang the next day, so Syena's boyfriend voluntarily sponsored the hotel room for us lot, because he wants Syena to "spend the best quality time with her friends".

HOMAIGODD guys, take example from this guy because this is what boyfriend is for!!

I find this so romantic and genuine. He stayed at his brother's house in Damansara, and left the 5 of us at the hotel for our own girl-time.

So yes, we had the best time ever. *blushed* thank you KN!!

As soon as we arrived, we had to inspect the whole hotel because you know, you cannot stay at a place you don't trust. We asked but the hotel didn't give any private tour for visitors. Pfft.

 The lucky girl :)

Yes, we fell in love with the pool very much.

We were lucky because the hotel was close to KLCC so we had our dinner there. It's just in walking distance and we all went jakun with one of the tallest building in Malaysia :

Excuse me, I haven't seen the towers for 4 years ok. I can be jakun for a while.

Back to the hotel, girl-talk, sleep, wake up the next day to check out.

Sometimes I really don't get why some guys just refused to show some intimacy through romantic gestures, because really, you think girls are high maintenance but actually we're not. Romantic gestures don't have to be expensive; I used to get invitations from my boyfriend then to have breakfast together every day, and it was one of the things that I remember till now cause it really warms my heart. (of course after a few years it just doesn't work anymore.)

Just find a way that you know will touch your girlfriend's heart (there are PLENTY trust me), find out about things that will make her happy even just for a while and go for it.

Make her happy, because then she'll make your world perfect.

I think I've got sucked up into all these wedding fever ever since my sister got married, and it was the perfect day for all of us. Happy faces, sweet newlyweds gestures, beamed parents, proud siblings..what's there not to love?

The only thing is, Mum keeps asking "when's your turn?' I mean, seriously.

So last weekend we went to one of our schoolmates' wedding, Biela. It was my first time attending my batchmates' kenduri since Japan took over my life for four years, so I was really looking forward to it.

The wedding was fab.

 Biela, the bride :)

The beautiful pelamin

 With some of the girls

Opted for the purplish pink kaftan, and I'm never wearing pink ever again. At least for a good few months. TOO MUCH PINK. Seriously, I'm so sorry if you got annoyed looking at the photos.

It was great seeing old friends. But you can tell, some of the habits never changed.

 Talking on the phone while taking photos -__-

Of course, everytime these occasions came, the multimillion dollar question would pop up. It can be from your mum, aunty(s), aunty's friends and so on. I knew better not to linger the topic for more than two sentences "we saw the bride already, can we go home?" so the topic would be avoided.

It really makes me wonder if 24 is already 'old'. Pfft.

Anyways. To Biela and husband, Congratulations :) May all the happiness in the world be with you guys, insyaAllah.


my brain dump.