not so disney-ish land.

This entry is decades late.
We went to Disneyland late last month to celebrate our birthday :)

Well, not exactly. After he had his kengaku we figured it'd be stupid not to go to Disneyland since we both haven't been there (we went to Disneysea on summer 2008, I think) so we booked two hotel rooms at Disneyland.

No, not this one.

I'm paying for a one guest room, and I'm not exactly printing money as a living so we chose the cheapest room we can get. Haha.

The bed was full with my bags (yeah I'm messy like that) so I won't show you that side of mine. Hehe.
The next day we were at the Disneyland gate by 10.30 am, and the kind ticket guy at the front told us the tickets have sold out. For that day.

I honestly thought he was joking.

I was so frustrated I felt like I could cry there and then!!!! Imagine being on the bus for 12 hours straight only to find we cannot get inside the park!!
He was frustrated too, but I guess he's just more composed than I am. I was determined to wait outside the park (the kind ticket guy said the counter will reopen at 1 pm) but he said there's no way we can get in.

So we went to Disneysea instead. For the second time.

Thank God it was fun :) Thank God there were no more incidents whatsoever, the only downside was I had to hold my tudung the whole time because it was so windy.


I learned a lot from this trip. Never ever forget to double check the availability of everything - even how capable you think you are.

Him : So you know what you learn from this.
Me : What.
Him : Your boyfriend is always right.

He accused me of being the reason we couldn't get there earlier because I took too much time getting ready, bla bla bla...pfft.

But I know this incident really tested him, and our relationship. I know he was upset with me, and I was upset with him too because in my head I was accusing him for not booking the tickets earlier. But we managed to spend the day like we initially wanted - regardless the place.

I think I'm lucky enough to have a boyfriend who still loves me despite having the urge to kill me due to annoyance I caused him. Hehe.

At least now I have a reason to visit Tokyo again the next holiday ;)


  1. 'I think I'm lucky enough to have a boyfriend who still loves me despite having the urge to kill me due to annoyance I caused him'<----haha! ske gler part nie!rse cm sme plak..haha.

  2. HAHAHA yeke wawa?? geng lah kite then :D



my brain dump.