dinner at chanel's.

The only bad thing about holidays is that; you've seen basically all movies on the planet you want to watch and still have plenty of bloody free time.

Don't tell me to rest and sleep, I've been in bed all day watching all kinds of drama..I need to get up.
Hence this post.

Anyone who've seen my wall, you'd notice this huge-ass poster hung on it.

picture taken using iPhone camera and Format126 app

To those who don't know this person (I HIGHLY doubt so), this is Audrey Hepburn. The icon of all time.
Seeing this poster, I realized I've downloaded Breakfast At Tiffany's not so long ago and completely abandoned it in the Download folder. I forgot I even had it; classic movies have never been in my favorites list, not even Pendekar Bujang Lapok, I don't know why.

So I decided to brace myself and just watch it. It can't be that hard.

2 hours later, I can't believe I haven't watched this movie practically since I learn how to talk.


Well, except for the bits with Mickey Rooney as Mr. Yunioshi which is so overrated-ly stereotyped. If you want to watch, fast-forward on the weird Japanese guy part (the building's owner), trust me.

Other than that, everything is perfect :) Audrey potrayed Holly Golightly mind-blowingly well, as fabulous as she already is. She looks elegant in her little black dress, sophisticated clothes, pretty pretty hair and makeup..no wonder everything she wore in this movie became a staple in today's women' wardrobe. And yet she's just as glamorous wearing a simple shirt with jeans in the 'Moon River' part. I mean if it was me, sitting by the fire escape wearing jeans with white shirt and playing guitar and sing; people would call me a crazy girl with no fashion sense. The Moon River song is great though; so soothing I've been listening to it all day.

I believe there's a Holly in every little girl. We all can relate to her, that's why this movie is so endearing. 

Blair Waldorf as Holly Golightly in Gossip Girl

I'm 50 years behind to review this movie, so..just watch it if you haven't.

I'm downloading her other movies - Sabrina and My Fair Lady. God knows if I could actually finish watching these two; though I believe I'm beginning to love classic movies after Breakfast At Tiffany's; just pray that I can someday, somehow finish all Allahyarham P. Ramlee's movies too.

Maybe they can make a millennium version of Breakfast At Tiffany's too; you know, Dinner At Chanel's or Lunch At Gucci's...or something. Let's leave the title for the experts.

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my brain dump.