During the long break last weekend, we went to Mid Valley as outings are more bearable (Alhamdulillah) now that I'm entering second trimester.

Felt like it's been months since I last had outings with just husband and Rayyan without having to rush home to puke in my comfy bathroom lol.


So anyway. Alang-alang we went to Mid Valley, I dropped by Arzu to check out their scarves - being pregnant this time confused me a lot with my choices in tudung. Prior, I'd always stick to the brand I'm comfortable with and seldom change - in fact, I didn't like changes when it comes to my choice in something to wear. I prefer stability, familiarity, simplicity.

But..time has changed. Or maybe this pregnancy just making me wonky.

Last weekend, we were on our way back to KL from JB. FIL was back from Dubai and was so generous he sponsored all 13 grandkids to Legoland where we spent our weekend.

So. Were in the car, probably had 1 hour plus before reaching KL. I was exhausted, hubs was driving and Rayyan, who had been relatively well-mannered (for his standard) throughout the first 2 hours, started to show restless signs.

He saw me nibbling on something (which I wanted to smack myself for not seeing it coming). Immediately wanted some, so I offered some to him. He suddenly didn’t want it for some God forsaken reason and got frustrated, for some God forsaken reason and cried. I showed him something else – his favourite biscuits, but he still rejected. Cried some more.

I was at wits’ end.

I remember when I first found out about Gilmore Girl's revival on Netflix, scheduled in November this year. It was about sometime this year, I think.

Read the headlines, and as usual, immediately turned to the husband who was as clueless as ever - expecting him to understand my girl crush on the TV show,

"OMG GG is back! They're going to film again for this year for Netflix!"

Then he said,

"Eh, Netflix do it all the time. Justified (one of his favorite TV shows, I think he said Justified) had a revival too sometime before on Netflix. Tapi tak best pun" 

Hmph. Nevermind, I thought, I'm still going to watch it - best ke tak, takpe.


my brain dump.