our maternity photoshoot

..is something I never thought we'd do.

I used to think it's so pretentious - why on Earth would you ever do something like this, after the whole saga of having the wedding (the occasion you actually have a reason to hire a photographer!)? As if the demands haven't been met; so there you are booking a photographer and says,
"Please take some photos of my husband awkwardly rubbing my belly while I gaze into his eyes lovingly"
Lol. I couldn't comprehend. Sounds too Hollywood for me.

Blake Lively photo which announced that she's pregnant to the whole world, one of the Hollywood shoots I approve.

Then..a few months after the wedding, we received a message from our wedding photographer, asking to meet to hand us the official wedding album. You see, we had some issues with them - the wedding video was late and much later than we anticipated as promised by the photographer team, so to make up for this, they offered us a post-wedding photoshoot as complimentary.

A photoshoot free of charge. Who wouldn't, right?

But but, I told the photographer I was already pregnant - and in my second trimester (entering third, I think) so my belly is quite showing already. It'd be awkward to have the post-wedding photos with a belly that big! So we had to convert it to maternity photoshoot instead.

*slaps cheek*

Decided to just get on with it. No harm when it's free, afterall.

Of course, all predictable pose. Haha.

Still, we love the pictures even though I look crazy pale - decided not to do any makeup and go au naturel; but nature and au naturel don't go well together.
"People know you're pregnant. Of course you'd look pale!"

Photographer : Amalina Tuna Photography
Location : UPM Serdang



my brain dump.