five years ago.

When I first started going out with my boyfriend, I gave this passport-sized picture I took for AAJ purposes as a joke. He kept the picture in his wallet, ever since. I only see the picture occasionally when rummaging his wallet when I'm bored and times like that.

Today he sent me the picture; he scanned it on computer and sent it to me.

Boy, when I see picture, I really can't help reminiscing those years.

Those were the years I learnt so many things; good and bad. I was only 18; I saw only the colorful side of life.
I looked happy then.
I wonder what has changed since then.

I remember taking this picture during one of me, Jannah and Jua's outing to Mid Valley - though I can't really remember for what, but it has something to do with AAJ. I had no idea you're not supposed to smile so brightly on these type of pictures, hence the wide smile. I remember being so ashamed of letting people see this pic when everyone else's were all serious-looking. I looked like a kid about to be given her precious candy.

Those were the years I first started wearing color contact lenses, after years of wearing clear ones.
Those were the years the three of us used to go out to Times Square/Mid Valley/KLCC during weekdays; never taking into account we have test or lecture whatsoever the next day; we just wanted to get out of there. 
Those were the years when me and my boyfriend began to learn everything about each other; the priceless attempts to impress one another. God, that was embarrassing.
Those were the years we had our first fights. And being teased by our friends. Embarrassing case number two.
Those were the years I never cared about what the guys think of me; I have my best set of friends and that was it. RPKJ 24 girls were nothing but awesome; regardless which set of groups you belong to you can still go have dinner at the cafe together and be totally comfortable with each other.
Those were the years we'd go to the pasar malam near University station and break fast together.
Those were the years I truly had my fun; and being stressed about study at the same time.

I looked so happy then. I miss those years.


  1. HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA okay I will stop laughing now !

  2. Cessssss utedddddd do i look that bad?? Hahahhaahha

    At least better laa than zmn skolah dlu kan.HAHA.



my brain dump.