Or maybe with lighter color on the walls, or less creepy.
But this house is amazing nevertheless.
This house was designed by Dutch architecture firms and situated in mountains of Switzerland. The house is embedded in the side of a hill and can be seen through a big elliptical opening.

Now my future husband please take note.
Cool. Similar environment I can think of in Msia, is GUA. Haha.
ReplyDeleteStart making friends with bats, u might be their neighbours in the future, u know.. Lol
ReplyDeleteure calling my dream house a gua!!cettttt
i just love the interior design,and the creative concept.but theres a possibility i might lost direction whenever i wanna go to the living room or downstairs,cuz the hallways looked the same.
zatil,kalo hujan ke banjir ke mane nak nyorok kat umah nih?ke die ade atap otomatik tutup bkk?
ReplyDeleteecece tanye cam owner umah nih zatil plak...=)
ReplyDeleteooh lupe nak mention,rumah tu ade its own sistem perairan,so bile hujan air turun dr atas bukit tu all the way down sbb rumah tu atas bukit kan.
*i mean sistem pengairan..